A co-sponsor advances the role of communities in the protection, resettlement, and integration of refugees and other vulnerable populations. As a co-sponsor group, local community members commit to providing, in a non-legally binding agreement, clearly defined financial and in-kind contributions and the majority of core services to support a refugee’s welcome and integration in partnership with IRC. As a result, the quality of life for refugee families is immeasurably enhanced.
How Do I Become a Co-Sponsor in Denver?
- Attend the Refugee 101 Presentation:Refugee 101 presentation is a general overview of the International Rescue Committee resettlement efforts in the United States. Please sign up for the next monthly presentation here.
- Reach out to IRC in Denver via Welcome.US: Welcome.US is a new national initiative built to inspire, mobilize, and empower Americans from all corners of the country to welcome and support those seeking refuge in the United States. Community Sponsorship is about sharing responsibilities, opening hearts, opening minds, opening doors, strengthening communities, and changing lives. For more information, please click www.welcome.us
- Respond to an IRC email about community sponsorship:IRC Community Engagement team reaches out to interested community groups or individuals. More information about IRC community sponsorship is provided in the informational packets.
- Attend an IRC event: IRC in Denver hosts various community events where interested community groups or individuals can be connected to the programs including the Community Sponsorship.
- Submit the Co-Sponsorship Interest Form: Interested community groups/individuals who would like to be considered for the co-sponsorship model, may complete the google form to initiate the process. Access the google form here.
- Review the informational packet about IRC Co-Sponsorship: IRC provides the informational packet to interested community groups/individuals for review. Access to all the materials can be found here.
- Team up with a group to co-sponsor a family (IRC facilitates the group forming sessions):IRC will facilitate the formation of new groups for co-sponsorship based on responses from the Co-Sponsorship Interest Form. Individuals who do not yet belong to a co-sponsor group will be assigned based on their strengths and skills. Established groups may choose their group members.
- Discuss the capabilities of the group in terms of financial support, time commitment, individual roles, and responsibilities: IRC will guide interested groups through a thorough review of their potential capabilities in terms of funding resources, availability, and the terms of reference in the group structure based on the group member preferences.
- Decide on the group structure, name, and timeline: The co-sponsor group will meet (either online or in-person) to discuss the group structure (i.e. assign team lead, co-lead, and lead for particular services); Decide on the group name and vision; Agree on the group’s time commitment to co-sponsorship (6 months); and Agree on the time allotment by each group member per week (i.e., at least 2 to 4 hours weekly for the entire group).
- Begin background checks for all group members:IRC ensures that all core group members have completed the required background check proceeding assignment to a refugee family for co-sponsorship. IRC facilitates the co-sponsorship training sessions while the background checks are in progress.
- Submit Co-Sponsor Application: The co-sponsor group submits the Co-Sponsor Application for IRC review. IRC will respond within 48 hours with the next steps. For direct communication, please contact the Community Sponsorship Team: [email protected] & [email protected]
- Attend the Co-sponsor and on-boarding processes training session including information about: Reception and Placement, Safety and Security, Core Services, Documentation, Cultural Dynamics such as boundaries, challenges, expectations, biases, power imbalances, and scenario exercises.
IRC facilitates two co-sponsor group-specific trainings with detailed instructions and guidance on the cultural dynamics, program requirements, documentation, core-service details and delivery, and practice for conflict transformation. These trainings are offered based on the time availability of the group.
Connect with Refugees
The Co-Sponsor Group is ready to connect with a refugee family. IRC introduces the group to the refugee family and facilitates the agreement signing between the Co-Sponsor and the family. IRC will facilitate conversations and provide support through feedback and regular check-ins as you come alongside the refugee family on their journey towards integration. IRC will closely work with the co-sponsor group to define the level of involvement of the group, core services that the group will deliver, and the rights and responsibilities of both the family and the co-sponsor group.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Community Sponsorship Contacts
Homayoon Milad, Community Engagment Manager
[email protected], (303) 335-8922